Thursday, November 14, 2013

Peanut Butter Oat Cookies

Peanut Buttery Oat Cookies

If you a craving a cookie with delicious peanut buttery flavor with healthy(ish) ingredients. THIS is the cookie for you! I enjoy eating this cookie for breakfast :)


1/4 cup quinoa flour*
1/4 cup coconut flour*
1/4 cup oat flour*
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup oats
2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup applesauce
2 eggs
3/4 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup turbinado sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup chocolate chips (optional)

*If you don't have these flours, don't fret! Sub it out with any flour on hand!

In a medium bowl combine the flours, oats, baking soda and salt. Set aside.
Next, using an electric mixer, mix together butter, coconut oil and applesauce.
Add the eggs one at a time.
Then incorporate the peanut butter, sugars, and vanilla.
Finally add the dry ingredients slowly to the mixer. Mix in the chocolate chips.

Drop by the tablespoon on a prepared sheet pan.

Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes.

Great Urban Race Recap

Great Urban Race Recap

November 2, 2013
San Diego, CA

The race started and ended at Whisky Girl downtown. We arrived at 11:00 (the race starts at noon). Upon arrival, before entering WG and obtaining your bib # and swag, you must sign your life away to Red Frog Events.

Since we arrived early, the signing process and pickup went relatively fast. Once this was done, we were able to relax a bit before the adventure began. It was fun watching as teams arrived emanating excitement and donning fun costumes.

The race started right on time. There were several 'race personnel' scattered about WG ready to hand off the envelope that contained the clues. We grabbed our clues and got right to solving the 12 puzzles.
Each puzzle solved would give you the address to the checkpoint. You were allowed to skip one.

It took us nearly 45 minutes to work on the puzzles and we still hadn't solved them all! But we knew we had to get moving! So we mapped out the most logical route using the addresses we had solved, and hoped we would stumble upon our unsolved locations. (Spoiler: we did!)

Our first three stops took us to seaport village.
{At every stop, you must either take a picture or video as proof, along with collecting a flyer.}

1. Hot Licks- Eat a bug covered in hot sauce.

2. Apple Box Toys- One teammate must stack blocks according to a picture while the other teammate calls out directions.

3. Seaport Oil and Vinegars- Taste 2 vinegars and 2 oils and identify their flavor.

We then headed back toward Gaslamp via the Convention Center stairs (Thanks, Jessica).

4. Old Spaghetti Factory- Climb to the 3rd floor. Hold an uncooked spaghetti noodle in your mouth and "thread" 6 penne noodles onto the noodle in your mouth, no hands!

5. Bub's @ The Ballpark- Shoot 6 baskets into a hoop positioned onto your teammates head, then pose like Michael Jordan.

6. Basic Pizza- link an arm with your teammate so each only have one functioning hand, construct a pizza box. (This place was so HOT we were dripping pools of sweat all over the box)

7. Feel It- Construct a cassette tape tower, pull the middle cassette out and repeat until the top cassettes land on the bottom with out falling <--- if that makes any sense? (It actually wasn't as hard as it looked and sounds) After this, complete a puzzle of a record label.

After this we encountered a nice, BIG hill! So fun ;)

8. Little Yoga Studio- One teammate stands in tree position while other wraps toilet paper 12 times around torso. Then both must stand in this pose for a picture.

9. This clue was in tic-tac-toe form (with 9 choices). We were to choose 3 that formed a tic-tac-toe.
Our choices that we completed throughout the course:
     Take a picture with a bald man.
This man was quite happy to be chosen :)

     Take a picture with a bridge in the background.
Might as well make those convention center stairs worth while!

     Take a picture with a witch or zombie. This was so hard to find, luckily Jessica spotted this candle in a coffee shop!

One of the clues listed 7 toiletry items that we could choose 2 to buy and donate to Father Joe's Village.
After our yoga stop, we still hadn't seen a CVS which we were sure we would. Luckily en route to the drop off location for the donations, Jessica spotted thesmallest shop that sold what we needed!!

10. Toussaint Academy- Drop off donations.

11. The Local- Play a plinko-esq game involving Bacardi Oakheart Rum (a sponsor for Great Urban Race). "Plinko" chips must land in coke, oakice and avoid landing in spill. If this happens, start again. We got it on our second try!!

Half skipping, half running we made our way back to WG. We were so excited to have completed all the clues! As we came down the block, there was a lot of cheering. We then had an official check our pictures, videos and flyers to mark our finishing place and completion.

We came in 21st place out of over 100 teams. 

Overall, this race was a lot of fun. It was a great opportunity to explore part of our city. The clues were slightly difficult(for us at least) but somehow we managed. We covered almost 5 miles during this race and ran to each destination. I would definitely do this again!

Have you ever completed a Great Urban Race? Or a race with different checkpoints, destinations, or scavenger hunt?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

All American Hero 10K recap

All American Hero 10K
August 31, 2013
San Diego, CA

Packet pick-up was the day of. We arrived at 6:30 and found parking right away.
Bib and t-shirt pick-up took a total of 15 minutes. After using the port a potties, and meeting up with our friends who decided this race was a good idea, we bummed around the start line until the race started at 7:45.

Myself,  Jessica, Lesley and Doug: ready to sweat!

I was really nervous for this race because it was so hot, and I really didn't want to do it.

Because this was such a small race, there were no corrals to start. Everyone just started at once.
About a 1/2 mile in, both Jessica and I needed to use the bathroom (all that pre-race hydration).
I begged to just quit now. Thank goodness Jessica pushed me to keep at it.

We ran a slow race, but the views were beautiful. I noticed many people taking it slow, due to the heat I assume.

Major props to this guy running in full suit!

The out and back course was grueling, but thank goodness for the water stations at every mile. I dumped 2 cups on my head at each one.

Knowing the Nugget and hubs were at the finish line helped me complete the last couple miles.

When I saw the hubs and Nugget I was so happy! I grabbed my little darling and crossed the finish line with a vow to never race in this heat again.

All in all, the course was beautiful, the volunteers great, post race snacks were superb. The t-shirt we received is wearable and it was fun to sport the medal I clearly earned for surviving!

Afterwards we celebrated at the Broken Yolk with delicious mimosas and breakfast.

Jessica and I then followed that up with just one more celebratory drink, since the race was that draining! {always remember: re-hydration is key!}

Even though the race was tough, I am happy to have helped motivate a friend. 
Even though I didn't get to run the actual race with her (she was TOO FAST!), she was able to find some passion for running. 
Even though I won't run a race in late August heat again, I WILL run.
Even though I complained and suffered, I finished!

What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger... RiGhT?

What's the worst race (or run) you ever ran?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Quinoa and Stuffed Pepper recipe

Truth be told, I hadn't tried quinoa until a couple months ago.
I knew it was good for you and all,

(Facts about quinoa here and here )

but I didn't know how to cook it or use it.

I finally decided to bite the seed bullet and try!

Of course I had to do research first to know what to do.
It was this website that educated me.

Parts of the process followed by quinoa cakes.

I have found quinoa incredibly versatile and has become a staple in our household.
It is delicious on salads, AS a salad, in pancakes, AS a pancake... and so much more!

When I cook quinoa I'll prepare one cup at a time.
1/2 gets cooked in a broth (chicken or turkey), half water. 
(In separate pots <--- obviously)
The broth adds flavor to the quinoa to throw on salads.
The plain one is good to throw in smoothies, applesauce (for the Nugget), or for pancakes.

The other night, I made up a delicious quinoa stuffed pepper I thought you might like.

Recipe as follows

Quinoa {half} stuffed pepper


1 red pepper
3/4 cup cooked quinoa
1/4 cup chopped zucchini
1/4 cup chopped kale
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup Parmesan Reggiano cheese (Shaved or Grated)


Cut red pepper in half, remove seeds. 
Boil pepper in water for 10 minutes to soften.
Meanwhile, mix quinoa with kale, zucchini, salt and pepper.
Remove peppers from pot and place on baking sheet.
Top peppers with quinoa mixture.
Bake for 15 minutes.
Remove, top with cheese, broil for 5 minutes (or until bubbly).

This worked well for a light dinner, but would be great to fully stuff a pepper and bake.

What are some fun ways you enjoy quinoa?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Smells like and Summer is here

Believe it or not, I did NOT fall off the face of the earth.
Apparently that's hard to do, considering it's a sphere?

Yes, we are still here!!

One of my favorite things the Nugget does as of late is smell things.
It all started when she smelled some sunscreen at the beach. I asked her what it smelled like.
Her response, "ORANGE!"
This made complete sense to me since the bottle was orange!

The next day she smelled a {blue} make-up bag.
Of course, her response to what it smelled like... "BLUE!!"

I know this window of smelling things, and responding to what color the item is won't last long.
 I'm trying to savor all the perfect, innocent fun that it is!

Another fun Nugget bit is her love of those silly monkey's that jump on the bed!
You know the song. And so does Nugget!
She goes around the house singing, "No monkey's jumping bed!" 
Occasionally she will prompt me to join by saying, "Doctor said!"

I'm officially marking this song as her current favorite!


The good news is that we made it to the end of August before needing to pump the air conditioning.
The bad news is that it's so HOT and HUMID that we have to pump the air-conditioning!

This is actually very normal for southern California. It'll be super hot for the remainder of this month, through September, and most of October.

Getting up at 6am to run doesn't even cut it in this heat. 
However, I'll try my hardest not to slack off during these months. 

Maybe if I blog more, it'll keep me accountable. 
That, and I have a wonderful running buddy now too!

Sunday long run on Coronado Island

I'll leave you with one more picture of this cuteness before signing off.

Talk soon!!

Is it hot where you live right now?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Road Runner Sports Adventure Run

So I had heard about this more than a year ago.
Somehow must have forgotten about it.
Then recently it was brought to my attention again.
So. Glad. It. Was.

I finally did the Adventure Run, put on by Road Runner Sports.


This is a once a month event.

The run starts and ends at RRS and is a bit like a scavenger hunt.
You run for an hour to fun checkpoints and collect raffle tickets.
The more raffle tickets collected, the better the chances to win prizes!!

After checking in {I registered online to receive a free beer ticket}
and checking out some of the promo booths,
it was time for the run!
A map was revealed listing checkpoints.
The further the checkpoint, the more raffle tickets scored!

My mama running friend, Lisa, and I were amongst the hundreds of other crazy runners!

Each checkpoint has an obstacle you can choose to complete for extra tickets.

You can run to as little or many checkpoints as you wish, as long as you are back to RRS at the end of the hour. (We barely made it!!)

Once back, rehydration {with beer} is key, while listening to raffles being called.

The raffles that didn't win a prize, oh well.

 Still smiling!

I did get a chance to run in these New Balance shoes. They were comfy and light.

The RRS Adventure Run was a ton of fun AND a great workout!! We made it to all but one checkpoint, logged 5.5 miles in an hour, while scavenging the town completing obstacles! 

Topped off with a beer and fun company, I am SO EAGER for the next Adventure RUN!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Balloons and a bike ride

Last week we went to the mall to find the Nugget new running park {sneakers} tennis shoes. However, Stride Rite wasn't having a sale, and I refuse to pay $50 for a pair of shoes that'll be outgrown in 5 days!
We did have a wonderful time at the mall though.
All thanks to this little green balloon!

I couldn't decide which pic I liked more, so you get all three!!

The above balloon now seems like chopped liver compared to all the balloons at her friend Odin's birthday party a few days later...

Apparently, yellow tutus bring fun with balloons ;)

This week must have been named, "try new running paths week". Because that's what we did!

This first run was our first "trail" run. It was hilly and hard! I felt like we were in the middle of nowhere even thought we were in the middle of the city! My quads were screaming after 2.5 miles!

The next run, Hospitality Point, is a great path near the San Diego river before it spills into the ocean. I think I would've liked it better if the wind wasn't trying to blow us away!

Some of my darling running mamas!

Today we ran along a part of Mission Bay that I hadn't touched yet. It was {of course} gorgeous as the water sparkled in the sunlight!

In other exciting news...
The Nugget experienced her very first bike ride!! 
We took her to Lake Murray for the inaugural run and she had a wonderful time! It was a beautiful evening with lots of ducks along the path. 

We are now looking forward to exploring more places, on bike, as a family!!