Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hot like soup

Did you know that Olive Garden has a soup, salad, and breadstick special for only 6.95?

Well I DID know that, but had never taken advantage of it..

until yesterday when the Sis {or was it that little girl in her belly...?} suggested we meet there for lunch.

gnocci soup

Soup always hits the spot on a 90* day!

{ funny, last time I was at an OG, I was preggers... and this time it was Auntie Mel!}

and since I drove by it...

Today was another HOT day! 
We decided to get our outdoor time done early so the hubs and I walked nugget to a nearby park to play.

(sorry no pic-- but just picture the cutest girl in the world swinging and climbing up playground stairs )

I had to return some library books I didn't read ( <--- ummm did I really think I'd have time? )
so the nugget played in the children's area...

I can't get enough A/C on days like this! 

And since I'm trying to eat healthier
I stocked up on some ice cream. (on sale at Ralph's!)

that smore's is now halfway to it's demise

What's your favorite flavor of ice-cream?

If I HAD to choose it'd be mint chocolate chip. But I love trying new flavors!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Homemade Chicken Stock

Since we were up early yesterday, as per the usual early wake up call via the nugget, I dropped a beautiful {and cheap <--- thanks Windmill Farms!} whole chicken in the crock pot with a chopped onion and 21 seasoning salute.

We let the bird simmer most of the day whilst we visited the baby jaguars at the zoo..

yes blurry... but so CUTE!

and dodged fallen trees on the highway...



After a busy day we were ready for our delicious lupper (lunch + supper... since we ate at 4, or maybe we are just old and you could consider it an early bird special a la our house? You can decide...)

The hubs rocked out some homemade fries courtesy of this month's Food Network Magazine (Emeril's recipe) 
It was definitely kicked up a notch.
Perfect accompaniment to our tender crock pot chicken.

With the remaining chicken carcass and juices leftover in the pot, I decided to give some homemade chicken stock a whirl.
Why not?
All I had to do was add 
1 onion
1 stalk of celery
some carrots
thyme and a bay leaf

added ingredients on top of chicken pieces and juices

I filled the crock pot up with water and cooked on low over night.

the stock this morning, after simmering in crock pot for 10 hours

This morning I ladled the stock out and drained through a mesh-like sieve...

measured out 2 cup portions...

hello delicious coffee in the heart mug
and poured into labeled bags to freeze for later use.

I have FOUR {2 cup} bags in the freezer, and one {2 cup} container in the fridge (to use this week)!!

That means I have TEN cups of chicken stock total!!!

Homemade + free = pure awesomeness!

After this was done,
I ran 2 miles,
whipped up some kale and eggs...

and sampled a lemon cucumber courtesy of our neighbors garden...

looks similar to a lemon, tastes like a cucumber, YUM
Now the nugget is taking a much needed nap before we go meet her auntie for lunch!

Have you ever made chicken stock before?

Care to share any good recipes I should use my abundance in?

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, June 25, 2012


Things have been rough going in the running department for me.
I don't know if it's been 
lack of sleep


lack of time


or lack of motivation.


So I was durn happy when I made it out yesterday and managed a little over 3 miles.
I said to myself, just go out and do ONE mile.
My knees weren't so happy, in fact I thought about turning around, but I really didn't want to.
They started feeling better further into the run.
I mean, it would've been SMART to turn around. 
But I wanted to run.

My pace was s l o w.
3.03 mi 00:36 11:44 pace
knees hurt so I went slow, but went longer than I thought I would.

But I did it.
I truly do plan on running more this week. 
So here's to hoping!

Monday Motivator:

Whether you are young or old....beginner or expert.....slow or long as you get out there you are amazing.

Friday, June 22, 2012

this is what we did this week

Amongst the lack of sleep I've been getting {due to the nuggets 3 or 4 am wake up calls} we've had a busy week.

We joined the pasty white and sunburned tourists at the zoo Monday.

It has been several weeks since we saw {real} monkeys and flamingos.
The nugget seemed to notice the animals more than she had previously!

Tuesday the hubs was off so we decided a beach day hour was in order.
We set up camp.
Played for a bit.

Then took on Taco Tuesday at our favorite place.

I also managed to fit in a haircut!

Thanks ma!!

Which was a good thing, because the hubs contacted my friend Lesley on Monday, found out she was free for Tuesday, and told her to get me outta the house!
I was thrilled (albeit tired) when she arrived at 7 to whisk me away.
We enjoyed pizza and beers at blind lady ale house!

New English Stout


bacon and egg pizza!

Good times ... But that led to {even more} exhaustion for the next day...

Wednesday's play-date at our house was fabulous.
 It was a beautiful day, so the babes enjoyed the pool!

Thursday the nugget and I ran errands, and played at home.

That's the quick run down of our week. Hope you have enjoyed yours!

Happy Friday!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

what's fueling you?

OMG! I think this is so true!

So therefore,
 I know I need to get my booty more active,
lazy has been my middle name the past couple weeks...

Monday Motivator:

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

I want to take a moment to wish this ...






playful man...

A Happy Father's Day!

Father's Day 2012 and nugget's first finger painting

A very special shout out to these father's as well! 
Happy Father's Day!

(of course grandfather's to the nugget...)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Saturday tidbits

Some random Saturday tidbits...

I forgot to brag about this mention this{in my blog post} yesterday, but the hubs and I got carded for our Sapporo's at my birthday sushi meal. It feels good to get carded at this ripe old age of 30.


Nugget is finally signing "more" when she eats! It's so adorable and she gets so proud of herself for doing it.

{I've also caught her signing "more" in her car seat, when she should be sleeping, and carrying her around! }


I've always had a fascination with Niagara Falls,
{even though I've yet to experience their majesticness...}
so I enjoyed hearing about Nik Wallenda who daringly walked a tightrope across the falls!!

That man is cra-cra!!!
If your as intrigued as I was, check it out here.


I agreed to dog-sit for the hubs' boss labradoodle for the week, because  you know, what's ONE MORE dog (when we already have 3!)
{plus there was a nice Franklin involved...}
He started off wonderfully by puking all over our bed.
The next day he managed to jump over the gate we use to trap keep the dogs in the kitchen.
This happened while we were gone...

the innards of a diaper

After these events, the hubs decided Doug the destroyer {said labradoodle} needs to take advantage of Gus's old crate and spend his days in our backyard.
He did alright the rest of the week save for a few holes in our backyard.

Doug the destroyer and Gus

The hubs and I utilized a Groupon we had bought for Mr. Chick on Friday.
This place roasts whole chickens and has a HUGE selection of sides.

mmm mmm good

Nugget loved it too!


Often on Friday nights while I slave away for tips work, 
the hubs and nugget go for a walk. 
On this walk last night, the hubs picked up an amazing dessert for us to share today.
I just love coming home to a luscious pink box.

Happy Saturday!