Thursday, May 31, 2012

Watermelon Salad

I think I have lost count of the amount of watermelons we've consumed so far this season!

I don't know what it is but they are SO good this year!

{sweet, crisp and juicy}

This time I thought I'd change it up a bit and use some of the watermelon to make a refreshing summer salad.

I had this a couple years ago at a BBQ and thought I'd try to recreate it.

So, I took our {previously} cut watermelon, and diced it into smaller pieces.
[Process: Slice into quarters. Add 3 to the bowl, one for your mouth. Repeat.]

3 for me the bowl, 1 for  the bowl me

Then,  I chopped up some fresh mint leaves {thanks Ma!} and tossed those in.

hmmm.. wonder how this would be if I added some rum?
Watermelon mojito anyone?

Lastly, I grabbed our brick of feta cheese...

I just have to brag about this fresh and CHEAP feta...

and crumbled away.

Nope. The H20 melon is NOT moldy... it's FETA!
This salad is even more delicious the next day once the flavors have marinated.

Watermelon Salad

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day.

If your grilling, boating, drinking, etc.

Have a GREAT TIME!! {and Cheers <---- from me}

Just remember the real reason you're off work today.


Monday Motivator:

Where are you headed?
I know.
Not the USUAL motivator.
But this is to motivate myself.
As a mother.
TO teach the nugget what this day is all about.... 

Then go to the beach and BBQ.

{Thank you to all who gave their lives for US.}


Sunday, May 27, 2012

mud on your face

In just ONE WEEK, I'll be enjoying a nice spa day...
one of those fancy places that puts mud on your face,

At Camp Pendleton of course!!

Mud + Running = Spa Day!
I am absolutely thrilled and excited to be participating in this:



and this:

but NOT this:

Um, swimming across a river with thousands of people, YIKES!

This is all laid out on a 10K {6.1 miles baby!} course.
Our t-shrits with our team name:

{yes, yes we will!}

{Been running for almost 6 months now...
       I hope I survive!}

Saturday, May 26, 2012

saturday tidbits

Some random Saturday tidbits...

Yesterday, I was able to experience something that doesn't happen {nearly enough} in San Diego.

A run...
   in the rain!
Well, not a lot of rain.
More like a mist.
But it was FUN!

Maybe I'm just crazy...


I'm glad the nugget got some playtime outside before the rain

Picnic before play

Some lady making GINORMOUS bubbles!

Play time

Nugget LOVED climbing up these stairs,,,
whilst watching the older kids play

On a side note:
As you see, nugget is wearing a gray shirt/socks and blue pants. 
Goodness forbid I dress her in anything but pink and she becomes a "boy".
Oh, how old is HE?
HE's so cute!
What's HIS name?  {te he the expression I get when I tell them!! }



Von's had a great Friday deal

I love a nice package

Deal bought. Campfire on!


A delicious snack fell upon my toaster oven. 

In our dwindling supply of fresh eats, I discovered a zucchini.

I julienned that bad boy up, tossed 'em on a cookie sheet 
{the teeny one for the toaster oven}, 
added some pepper jack cheese, 
broiled til cheese bubbled (about 5 minutes)...
aaaaand cue new obsession!!

Try it! You won't be disappointed!

Happy Saturday!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Maybe it's because I had the right fuel today.

 2 cups of coffee + bowl of cheerios w/ banana + 2 Twizzlers
(mug source)

Maybe it's because I  actually got 8 hours of {almost} uninterrupted sleep.

Pic of nugget sleeping is MUCH cuter than a pic of yours truly

Maybe it's because the past two weeks have been sucktastically low and slow mile runs.
[so would that be recovery, rest? Since it seemed to happen right after my 10K?]

Past two weeks:

  1. RUN
    alright2.06 mi 00:20 09:28 pace
    Track run w/ Elli in stroller.
  2. RUN
    alright2.66 mi 00:24 08:54 pace
    kind of a blah week of running...
    waited to late to run today so it was a bit too warm
  3. RUN
    goodmi 00:18 09:07 pace
    ran w/ Elli in stroller, hot at the beach today!
  4. RUN
    alright2.25 mi 00:23 10:06 pace
    Track run with Elli in stroller .

Maybe it's because I went early enough in the morning that the marine layer was still laying low.

6:30 am run = cool + desolate

Maybe it's because I found a Jackson {$$} (!) laying on the street.

lunch on me!

But whatever the reason,
my run today

I felt like I could run all day....
I made myself stop at 4 {miles} so I wouldn't over do it.

Or, Maybe it's just 'cause I'm awesome... 

True story.