Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day Run 2

The run was great. We put in about 3 miles each.

It was very cold and windy (for San Diego standards) so we bundled up the nugget really good in the BOB.
She was excited to participate.

Of course she fell asleep, so we walked her an extra half hour after our run.

Then it was time for breakfast.
12 mini cupcakes from Pubcakes.

Yes they ARE cupcakes made out of beer!! Local beer.
Can't beat that.
Plus I had bought a Groupon back in September to pay for these little yummies!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Leap Day Run

Our bib
The hubs and I are going to join in on the One Day Run, taking place Leap Day (tomorrow Feb. 29) 2012. We even printed out our bibs to sport.

We plan on taking the nugget to the lake so we can run together.

The One Day Run is a virtual race around the world. There is one goal: the participates must log their miles, and as a "team" complete a trip around the world. (Start and end place Navy Pier, Chicago, IL)

25,000 miles baby!

Here's a little motivation.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

break me off a piece of that.... grapefruit

I found a new citrusy juicy love.


I bought it after I heard of this cleansing drink that involved carrots, ginger, and grapefruit.

I made the drink, but it was HORRIBLE!
So I had all this grapefruit, and I tried it on it's own.

I was like WOW! This is some tasty citrus.

I hadn't tried grapefruit for y e a r s. And back then, I was not a fan.

But now I'm on the bandwagon.

I love the juicy, tart-sweetness of this fruit. Not to mention they are huge! So it's a happy little filler.
I have also found it tastes delicious in soda water to add that extra flava!

Then I went to Trader Joe's the other day and found that Joe had already gone through the work of juicing some grapefruit and putting it in a jug for me. I was happy about this!!!

This is the best grapefruit juice I've ever had! Tastes JUST like I'm eating a grapefruit! (Granted it's the first one I have ever tried since those little cans they sell in the supermarket)
If you want a real "scientific" review of a variety of grapefruit juices however, check out this site. They'll give you more deets than I currently can.

Apparently I picked a pretty stellar fruit to obsess about too! It has some great qualities...

Vitamin C (obviously.. it IS a fruit after all)
Vitamin A
Lycopene (this is a shocker... I thought only tomatoes had that)
Lowers Cholesterol
... just to name a few...

If you want to check out more, WHFoods has great grapefruit info.

Well after all this grapefruit talk, my mouth is watering for some grapefruit, so I need to go get something grapefruit right now!

grapefruit, grapefruit, grapefruit...

Grapefruit update!
Found this grapefruit recipe, can't wait to try!
Bruleed grapefruit?!?!?! I think yes! 

Broiled Grapefruit
  • 1 grapefruit, cut in half and segmented with a serrated knife
  • 1T butter, melted
  • 2T brown sugar
  • cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, etc
  1. Turn on your broiler and position the rack in the top shelf, as close to the broiler as you can get it
  2. Halve and segment your grapefruit. You might need to take a little slice off the bottoms so that they don’t roll around
  3. Mix butter, brown sugar, and desired spices until they form a thick paste.
  4. Place grapefruit halves in a broiler-safe pan and smear the butter/sugar paste on top.
  5. Broil grapefruit halves for 4-6 minutes, keeping an eye on them and rotating if necessary.
  6. Remove from oven and serve warm. Yum!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

hi, I'm BOB

I made a new friend.
I think we will be friends for at least a few years.
He came to my doorstep on Friday and introduced himself.
His name is Bob.
Not just Bob. BOB.
That's right.
BOB as in BOB!

The white light appeared and so did a huge smile on my face.

The hubs must have tired of me going ON and ON about the perfection that is BOB and how BOB would improve both mine and the nuggets day. So [because he loves me so much... and the nugget] he surprise ordered it. <3

Yah! Can I be more excited! Not right now! (notice all the exclamation points??)
 (! = excited!) <--- see another one!

I'm sure you'll see pictures of my BOB someday, I just {shockingly} haven't had a chance to take any yet!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Found out I've been storing cilantro all wrong.

I used to buy it from the store and throw it in the fridge.

What I SHOULD have done is this:

Snip off the stems.
Place the bundle in a jar of water.
Cover the top with a bag of some sort.
Place in the fridge.

Check out this website if you want full deets.

Well. I did this today. So we will see how this works.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Knowing it's Valentines Day makes me less lovey dovey than any other day.

I {personally} just think it's a day in February that people waste loads of money on flowers and "romantic" dinners.

Bloody Hell! You can do that any day!

I tell the hubs I love him EVERY day and I don't just need ONE day to express it. But that's just me.

Now I don't want to portray my outlook on my little bundle of nuggetness, so we did have some 'holiday' fun.
She did her first painting project!
A card made for daddy for Valentines day!
And let me just say, she had a hoot! She 'painted' for nearly 20 minutes!

Here's what we did:

I cut out two identical heart shapes out of a cereal box (any cardboard would do, or card stock for that matter)
I glued them together so it would be nice and sturdy for the nugget to paint.
I then painted them white so it would look puuuurty (puuuurtier than cardboard)

Next I put the heart with some dobs of red and white paint in a ziplock bag, sealed it, and let the nugget go to town!

nugget having a hoot!

Once nugget was done painting, I carefully removed the heart from the bag (not wanting to mess up her lovely artistic-ness). Then I let it sit and dry.

finished heart

I wrote a little message on the back (sited by nugget, of course).
Now the card is officially ready!

This project was so fun!
Time to figure out new shapes and projects for nugget to paint! She's an arteest!

What would be some good painting ideas? What have you done with your little one for fun art projects?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

shoulda coulda woulda...

Nugget was up at 2:00 and then again at 3:30, amped and ready to play. Needless to say hubs and I were NOT ready to play, but we love her so much we joined in.

This also means  I was t i r e d!
Luckily, nugget went back to bed around 5 and so did I for about 2 hours.

(thank you nugget!! XOXO)

But this put a slump in the run I really wanted to do today.
I got L A Z Y! (plus it was raining which didn't help) excuses...excuses...

(need this on my forehead!)

Alas, no run for me today (cue the fact I need that BOB so I could've gone later today...)

But what I also needed was that kick in the a**.

I read this today from SkinnyRunner and felt motivated and am ready to hit the pavement tomorrow.

love this!
Where do you find your motivation?

Friday, February 10, 2012

beach run

Went on my first ever beach run today!


The feel of my actual feet pounding the sand as I ran = awesome.

The sound of the waves crashing the shore was better than music.
Kids building sand castles, boys throwing a frisbee, men flying kites, and fellow runners painted a lively backdrop.

There was a bit of pain to my ankle because of the slope I ran on due to high tide. Although it was nothing to write home about...

dear mom and dad, (in cold Minnesota)
I had ankle pain as I run on the beach this beautiful sunny February day
sincerely daughter.

It was a great feeling and am looking forward to my next chance to kick up the sand.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Just wanted to run today.

 Didn't get the chance.

Hubs worked early and got home at sundown. Boo-hoo! But, what can I do?!

I had all kinds of p o w e r revving up in me wanting to go... but the durn stroller I have for the nugget wouldn't suffice!

wish list...
(cue white light and music from above)

 The BOB Revolution stroller

or the BOB Ironman...

I want! I want! I want!

Then I could take the nugget with me and run when I WANT to run... 

Alas, this mighty stroller with an optional lock in place front wheel, and it's light-weight-ed-ness, is almost half a grand. Yup. Well, I'll drool for a while and get over it. Maybe some day...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Just DO IT

A little inspiration...

I sure needed it today. A sleepless night with the nugget up several times didn't give me any energy in the morning, then I had my coffee and I was done. So we took the dogs to the beach, met some friends for lunch, and somehow it became 5:00.
I thought alright, Just DO IT!


It can be tough getting out that door to run, but man, it felt great!

Find your inspiration and Just DO IT!

What are some things that inspire you?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

lunch meat-ing at breakfast

I love sandwiches. But I get to the point when one more sandwich this week,  I'll go bonkers.
Despite the fact I don't want another sandwich, the frugal gal in me has to use up the lunch meat (waste not!)

So what better way than to chop it up and use it in my egg burrito!

I chop that lunch meat up real good and toss it in the fryin' pan with some butter (butter makes everything better).

Add some diced yellow peppers I had left over from our pasta last night, and my special homemade fajita seasoning {made from here}. I sauteed these together about 5 minutes.

{enter hubs who looks at this mixture, looks at me, looks back at the pan and says, "potatoes and mangoes?" Oh, I love that man!}

Meanwhile I crack two eggs and add a bit of half n half. They turn into a deliciously fluffy scramble.

I then added my sauteed meat and peppers to the eggs.

At this point I took out a tortilla and sprinkled it with cheese.

I put half the egg, meat n pepper mixture on top of the cheese; slopped on my favorite salsa; and rolled that sucker up!

And Voila! Delish! I was able to use up my lunch meat and yellow pepper, whilst creating a breakfast both me and the hubs enjoyed!

What are some creative ways you use up your groceries and/or left overs?