Thursday, May 31, 2012

Watermelon Salad

I think I have lost count of the amount of watermelons we've consumed so far this season!

I don't know what it is but they are SO good this year!

{sweet, crisp and juicy}

This time I thought I'd change it up a bit and use some of the watermelon to make a refreshing summer salad.

I had this a couple years ago at a BBQ and thought I'd try to recreate it.

So, I took our {previously} cut watermelon, and diced it into smaller pieces.
[Process: Slice into quarters. Add 3 to the bowl, one for your mouth. Repeat.]

3 for me the bowl, 1 for  the bowl me

Then,  I chopped up some fresh mint leaves {thanks Ma!} and tossed those in.

hmmm.. wonder how this would be if I added some rum?
Watermelon mojito anyone?

Lastly, I grabbed our brick of feta cheese...

I just have to brag about this fresh and CHEAP feta...

and crumbled away.

Nope. The H20 melon is NOT moldy... it's FETA!
This salad is even more delicious the next day once the flavors have marinated.

Watermelon Salad

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