Saturday, July 7, 2012

saturday tidbits

Some random Saturday tidbits...

Some crazy YUM sandwiches happened up in here this week.


Wheat bread with cheddar, pepper jack, and cream cheese, hard boiled egg, and zucchini; all done up grilled cheese style.


French bread with peanut butter and jelly; grilled cheese style.
Simple and amazing.
I made this for the hubs and he enjoyed it whilst I had french toast with the same ingredients.

and yes.. that is a sheet.
this was eaten in bed,
for dinner.
that's how we roll.


I just found this out yesterday...
In only TWO weeks, 
one of my bff's Holly and her daughter Olivia will be visiting!
We are gearing up for a fun filled week!

the four of us, last October

The Nugget looks GIANT compared to Olivia here


Have I told you the nugget loves her dogs?...

Well she does!


I did a super quick run yesterday on a small hill loop.
Even though it was a short run, I hauled my booty to get the most of it.

the "best time" above is an average of all my runs on
'map my run'
8:26 pace on hills
____ <---- insert patting myself on back here

hubs and nugget strolling up the sidewalk

I came home from said run to this. <3 
Life is good.


randomness in pictures...

post nap snuggle with nugget

that's a french fry,  folks

craving for cookie dough,  complete

Brewco on a Friday night = dead
man in sexy sox = awesome

Happy Saturday!